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How desk sharing tools attract employees to the office

An increasing number of employers want their employees to return to the office. They are faced with the challenge of reconciling the advantages of working together with the flexibility of working from home. Concerns about possible productivity losses and the lack of a vibrant team culture are driving factors here. Some (even large companies) take the supposedly easy route and prohibit working from home or set a small number of days per week or month on which working from home is permitted (e.g. Volkswagen). However, most employers are aware that many employees appreciate the benefits of working from home. Recent studies show that employees no longer want to miss out on the opportunity to work from home, and working from home can boost productivity. A better solution than bans are incentives to voluntarily motivate employees to work in the office more often again and thus find a balance between working in person and working from home. A good desk sharing tool plays a decisive role here by enabling a flexible and attractive working environment.

1. Flexibility and Autonomy

A suitable desk sharing tool offers employees the flexibility to choose their workplace according to their individual needs. The ability to reserve their favorite desk or workstation gives employees a sense of autonomy, which in turn boosts their motivation.

Mitarbeiterin nutzt Desk Sharing Tool zur Arbeitsplatzbuchung
An employee books her workplace with the Buuky room booking tool.

2. Promote collaboration and team spirit

The right desk sharing tool enables effective collaboration in the office. The simple booking of shared workspaces improves communication between employees. Team projects and spontaneous meetings are facilitated, which leads to stronger team loyalty and increased motivation.

3. Transparent use of resources

An efficient desk sharing tool provides transparency about the utilization of office space. Employees can easily see which workstations are available and where colleagues are working. This allows them to plan their presence accordingly. This transparency creates trust, security and minimizes uncertainty, which boosts employee motivation.

4. Design the working environment as required

The ability to choose a workspace depending on the task and mood contributes significantly to employee satisfaction. A good desk sharing tool not only allows you to choose your desk, but also to reserve special areas that are suitable for concentrated work or creative projects. Important for employers: Offer as many different spaces as possible (quiet rooms, individual offices, two-person offices, open-plan offices, team rooms, etc.).

Kreative Zusammenarbeit im Open Space Büro
Creative collaboration in the open space office.

5. Time and cost savings

Companies can reduce costs through the efficient use of office space. In turn, employees save time when looking for a suitable workplace. A smooth workflow, supported by a high-quality desk sharing tool, helps to reduce stress and increase motivation. Modern tools such as Buuky offer the possibility of creating evaluations of the utilization of individual parts of the building or locations. These can form the basis for optimizing space costs.

We have summarized further advantages of a desk sharing program in our blog post "Desk booking systems: What are the benefits?".


A first-class desk sharing tool is more than just a workplace management solution - it can become a key element in boosting employee motivation and making the return to the office more attractive. Through flexibility, team support, transparency, individual design options and efficiency gains, such a tool makes a significant contribution to ensuring that employees are happy to return to the office.


If you are considering introducing a simple and convenient desk sharing tool for both your employees and administrators, then we recommend our solution Buuky - Desk Sharing made easy. Buuky is easy to set up, easy to use, cost-effective and you can use Buuky with all its functions free of charge and without obligation for 30 days.



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